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Experiment of De-Morgan’s Theorem
Boolean Algebra is the mathematical system which defined with the set of the elements, a set of the operation and the number of common postulation. A De-Morgan’s theorem is one of the postulation of Boolean Algebra. By using De-Morgan’s theorem we can solve the many complex problems in Boolean Algebra. The main objective of experiment of De-Morgan’s theorem is to implement the logical expression in practical field and find out the out of the theorem’s functioning in practice and know about the circuit for the theorem. After the complete the experiment from the digital lab we are able to connect the circuit and we are able to implement in practice of De-Morgan’s theorem
The following targets are should be prepared before do experiment.
Ø To find out the Gate functioning
Ø To connect the circuit in practice
Ø To see the actual result of the
circuit connection
Ø For finding of output
Ø Theoretical knowledge implementation
Topics are:
1. De-Morgan’s First
Theorem:The DE-Morgan’s first theorem states that the total Complement of the sum is equal to
the product of the individual complement. That is:
According above truth table the following circuit diagram is design. The output of the circuit is depending on the input. For eg: when we provide A=0 and B=0 then the circuit produce 1 output as a result. The output of the circuit is change when change in input. The output of the circuit is shown using lead, lead on or off according to output. The logic circuit as below:
In the above circuit every gate’s 14 is connect with the +5v i.e. binary 1, every gate’s is connecting to the grounding line i.e. binary 0, it provide the power for gate to run or functioning properly. And gates function as input provided for the circuit and produce the output according to the inputs. The gates are in the IC form they have special symbols which are representing the gates, these symbols are as follows:
Name of the Gates Symbols/ Codes
NOT Gate: 7404
OR Gate: 7432
AND Gate:
NOR Gate: 7402
NAND Gate: 7400
X-OR Gate: 7486
Second Theorem:
De-Morgan’s second theorem
states that the total complement of the product is equal to the sum of
individual complement. This can be explain as follows:
In the above figure the output will be change when the input
changes. The light is bright or not it depends on the input of the circuit.
conclusion we can say that our experiment was better because of we have
opportunities to learn and see the practically result of experiment of De-Moran
theorem. So we realize the experiment is necessary to improve knowledge of
students practically and clear all confusion if have any. At now all students are able to connect the
any circuit of any expression of problems in lab practically.
Experiment of Adder and Sub-tractor
Logic circuit for digital system may be combinational or sequential.
A combinational circuit consists of logic gates whose output at any time is
determined directly from present combination of inputs. A combinational circuit
consists of input variables, logic gates variables, and output variables. The
logic gates accept signal from inputs and generate signal to the output. Adder
and sub-tractor are the combinational circuit. In today’s lab we are going to
experiment of adder and subtractor of combination circuit. The following is
the today’s experiment:
1.Half ADDER: It is a combinational circuit having two
inputs and two outputs, one is sum
and other is Carry. The following figure
had shown the truth table and circuit diagram of the half adder.
In the above
circuit every gate’s 14 is connect with the +5v i.e. binary 1, every
gate’s is connecting to the grounding line i.e. binary 0, it provide
the power for gate to run or functioning properly. And gates function as input
provided for the circuit and produce the output according to the inputs.
2.Half Sub-tractor: A half sub-tractor is a combinational circuit
that subtracts two bits and produces the difference and borrows. Figure below
shows the truth table and logic diagram as follows:
Truth table is as follows:
In the above circuit every gate’s 14 is connect with the +5v i.e. binary 1, every gate’s 7 no. pin is connecting to the grounding line i.e. binary 0, it provide the power for gate to run or functioning properly. And gates function as input provided for the circuit and produce the output according to the inputs.
conclusion we can say that our experiment was better because of we have
opportunities to learn and see the practically result of experiment Half Adder
and half Subtractor . So we realize the
experiment is necessary to improve knowledge of students practically and clear
all confusion if have any. At now all
students are able to connect the any circuit of any expression of problems in
lab practically.
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